cultureExperience is not arbitraryApplying for a job usually requires 2 years experience, 5+ years experience. What an arbitrary way to measure the divergent & complex…
strategyStop Thinking Short-TermInvestment: “An act of devoting time, effort, or energy to a particular undertaking with the expectation of a worthwhile result.” “ A thing…
leadershipStepping upThe Ground Floor It’s hard to judge when you are are doing a good job and when you are not. When you are mediocre, or when you are excelling…
randomOn being differentEveryone has their quirks. Their weird habits. Their weird interests. Most tend to hide them, somewhat ashamed of admitting to themselves…
cultureThe Lies & Stories That Determine Our LivesLies. Lies. Lies. Lies are all around us. We tell ourselves lies all the time. They form the beliefs we internalise & therefore guide our…
selfHow to stop people stealing your timeIt’s not just at work that you find yourself led astray. You sort of expect it there. You watch out for it. Maybe your boss asks you to stay…