selfIn The Pursuit of FulfilmentI spent the first 23 years of my life in a haze. Time passed, things happened, but I never really seemed to experience it. I would set some…
designThe Origin of IdeasWhen I started out five years ago, self-taught, hacking my way into User Experience Design, I somewhat arrogantly thought I was special…
selfTime is tickingDeath is rarely acknowledged. Even the word “death” is somewhat terrifying & taboo. Even yesterday, when preparing this article in my…
designAll Humans Are Motivated By Three ThingsAt the core of every thought & every action lie three motives: to seek pleasure and avoid pain; to seek hope and avoid fear; to seek social…
bootstrapWhy We Won’t Take InvestmentWe at Scribe had never spoken about investment as a team, despite working on Scribe, our fledgling business, for 3 months. Despite still…
product managementWhy Essentialism is EssentialEssentialism has been such a powerful concept for me that I even decided to get my first ever tattoo based on it’s central tenet: To only…