career“How To Double Your Interview Success Rate & Increase Your Salary By 30% In The Process“From speaking to over 300 Product Managers & Product Owners in the last 2 years, I can confidently say: They are terrible at selling…
foundations“90% of products fail. Here’s why.”Most in the product world understand that we play a risky game. That the failure rate is high. Very high, in fact. Various studies have put…
foundations“WTF is a Product?!“We tend to think of “a product” as something digital, something with a set of features, something that helps somebody do a thing. We all…
b2bThe Surprising Differences Between B2B v. B2C Product ManagementIt’s commonly accepted that the role of a B2B Product Manager is very different from that of a B2C Product Manager. That, dealing directly…
BootstrappingBootstrapping From Zero to Profitability in 4 MonthsWhen I was planning this article, I found myself wondering: When does a business really start? Should I start counting from the day I spent…
cultureWhich Faceless Corporation Runs Prod MBA?None. We are an independent, mission-driven team & want to stay that way. We aren’t owned by some dodgy data-abusing corporation. We are…
startup100 Blocks Each DayAssuming you sleep, we are all limited to around 16 hours per day, each day. That’s the amount of time we can spend in whichever way we…
startupWhy Your Startup is FailingInvestment, experience, an Agile product development process. None of these things matter. Using my own experience building a profitable…
leadershipUnfortunately no-one cares.We complain about everything. You can’t find the right job. Your boss doesn’t respect you. Learning a new language is too hard. You don’t…